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EPP o razpadu vladavine zakona v Sloveniji, ko Golobovi »depolitizirajo« RTVS tudi s pritiski na ustavno sodišče

Last Updated on: 12th oktober 2024, 03:34 pop

“Priča smo razpadu vladavine zakona in političnemu prevzemu medija v Sloveniji, ko levičarska vlada prevzema popoln nadzor nad nacionalno javno radiotelevizijo z zakonom sprejetim po postopku za izredne razmere in z nesprejemljivimi pritiski na ustavno sodišče.” To je med drugim zapisano v stališčih vrha evropske ljudske stranke, ki je potekal včeraj pred srečanjem Evropskega sveta. Vrh je gostil predsednik EPP Manfred Weber, sodelovala pa sta ob voditeljih vladnih in opozicijskih ljudskih strank večine evropskih držav tudi predsednica evropske komisije Ursula von der Leyen in predsednica evropskega parlamenta Roberta Metsola.

Hitre politične menjave uzakonjene po postopku za primere vojn in naravnih katastrof je vladajočim strankam najprej ustavilo ustavno sodišče, da bi presodilo ustavnost. Za to je bilo pet sodnikov, tri sodnice pa proti. Po ostrih pritiskih in tudi obiskih podpredsednica evropske komisije Vĕre Jourove in premiera Roberta Goloba (oba sta iz skupine liberalnih strank) na ustavnem sodišču, pa so štirje ustavni sodniki ugotovili, da o dilemah ustavnosti ustavno sodišče ne bo sposobno odločiti in so zadržanje odpravili in s tem dovolili hitro zamenjavo vrha RTVS.

Opozorilo o razpadu vladavine zakona v Sloveniji in nesprejemljivih pritiskih na ustavno sodišče je največja politična skupina v Evropi sprejela, ko se v državi danes izteka rok za prijave za novega predsednika uprave RTVS in dva člana, ki bodo predčasno zamenjali dosedanjega generalnega direktorja RTVS in direktorja televizije in direktorja radia. Pričakovati je, da se bodo politične čistke nadaljevali na ravni urednikov, da bi pridobili popoln nadzor in vpliv na obveščanje javnosti.

Kandidati za novo vodstvo se bodo novemu svetu RTVS predstavili 13 julija, ko bo svet, ki ga vodi Goran Forbici izbral novo vodstvo, s čemer bo vladajoča koalicija z nastavljanjem svojih kadrov na vrh nadaljevala “depolitizacijo” medija z največjim proračunom v državi, ki pa ima težave, ker jim je večina gledalcev zadnja desetletja ušla h bolj komercialnim medijem.

Goran Forbici Foto: Zajem zaslona

Celotno stališče EPP je v angleškem jeziku, kot je objavljeno, takšno:

“The last weeks and months have been very successful for the EPP. Since our last summit, EPP member parties have won in parliamentary elections in Finland, Bulgaria, and Greece, as well as in local and regional elections in Spain, and presidential elections in Latvia. Those victories consolidate the EPP’s approach for a strong Europe that prioritizes people and their interests. The Swedish EU Council Presidency was equally successful, particularly by reaching agreements on core EPP priorities such as economic governance, European competitiveness, as well as migration and security. The upcoming Spanish EU Council Presidency starts at a pivotal time for the EU. In this respect, the national elections on 23 July will be crucial for Spain, and for Europe. Only a strong Partido Popular, led by Alberto Núñez Feijóo, will be able to provide the necessary political leadership to boost Europe’s economy, create jobs, and improve European security.

The EPP has witnessed with great concern the recent moves from the Law and Justice-led government in Poland to adopt the so-called “Lex Tusk” and silence the opposition ahead of elections in the fall. We fully support the millions of Poles who demonstrated against their government and stand by our member party, Civic Platform, and its leader Donald Tusk, in their fight to restore democracy and the rule of law in Poland.

We are witnessing the disintegration of the rule of law and the political takeover of media in Slovenia, as the leftist government has effectively assumed full control over the national public broadcaster RTV through the emergency law and the exertion of unacceptable pressure on the Constitutional Court.

In the first four months of 2023, more than 80.000 people crossed EU borders illegally, which is almost 30% more than a year ago and the highest total number for the comparable period since 2016. The deteriorating situation at our external borders and the suffering of refugees are a significant matter of concern to us. Our common Judeo-Christian values in Europe demand decisive action. We strongly welcome the breakthrough achieved by the Swedish EU Council Presidency in reaching a compromise on the New Pact on Asylum and Migration, as it includes long-standing demands of our party. It is absolutely necessary to adopt the new legislation before the European Elections in 2024. Our priorities on migration are clear: we must strengthen order at our external borders to save lives and prevent further human tragedies by setting up an improved border infrastructure and a new European rescue initiative in the Mediterranean. In addition, we must foster true European solidarity to help our Member States at the external borders as well as our Mediterranean neighbours, like Tunisia, based on comprehensive agreements as developed under the leadership of President von der Leyen.

While Yevgeny Prigozhin and the Wagner Group have openly challenged Vladimir Putin’s authority, there is at present no realistic prospect for a termination of the Russian war of aggression. President Zelensky’s 10-point formula forms the basis for any just and lasting peace in accordance with the core principles of the UN Charter and respect for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. However, as of today, the Kremlin has sent no credible signals of being interested in dialogue or diplomacy with Ukraine, the European Union or any western government. The destruction of the Nova Kakhovka dam set yet another precedent with devastating consequences and inconceivable suffering. Ukraine as a battered country is now additionally facing an environmental crisis. The answer can only be unwavering support for Ukraine. With the Act in Support for Ammunition Production (ASAP), which the European Parliament adopted overwhelmingly under the EPP leadership through its urgent procedure, the EPP is at the forefront of Europe’s efforts to increase support for Ukraine, while building a common security and defence policy. We support the proposal by Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to establish a Ukraine Facility that will provide financial assistance to Ukraine beyond 2023. At its upcoming summit in Vilnius, NATO allies should address the Ukrainian membership perspective by extending an invitation to the country to join the alliance once the war is over. The EPP firmly supports Ukraine’s applications to join both the EU and NATO and we will stand with Ukraine and its people, in particular children, until they win the war and peace returns to Europe. Moreover, we support the notion of providing Ukraine with the necessary security guarantees.

The EU should also use the political momentum following the elections in Turkey, to assume a more active role in trying to overcome the deadlock and resume negotiations within the agreed UN framework on the Cyprus problem, so as to end the almost 50-year-long occupation of Cyprus by Turkey and reunify the island, in line with relevant UNSCRs, EU principles and the acquis. We welcome and support President Christodoulides’ efforts in this regard, and in particular his proposal for a more active EU role, including through the appointment of a representative to facilitate the resumption of negotiations.

For more than a decade, the EPP has been driving the EU climate change agenda and showed leadership in setting binding global climate targets. We strongly support a robust European Green Deal to make the EU a pioneer in the fight against climate change, safeguard Europe’s cleantech leadership and create new jobs. The European Green Deal must prioritize citizens and take into account the new economic and social realities after Russia’s attack on the global world order. Russia’s blackmail on energy has led our citizens, and our small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) in particular, to suffer from soaring energy prices and high inflation. All parts of society must be able to embrace the transition. Only together, from families to shop owners and from farmers to energy-intensive industry, we will be able to achieve our targets. We need less rather than more red tape. Therefore, we want a regulatory pause, which takes absorption capacity into account. We welcome the fact that leaders from other political groups now share the views that we have been championing since last year on the need for a regulatory moratorium. In this regard, the EPP cannot support the proposals on the “Sustainable Use of Pesticides” and on the “Nature Restoration Law” in their current form. Food security should not be compromised neither in Europe nor globally.

China’s increasingly assertive position, and the intensifying global competition in green and digital transformation challenges Europe’s global influence and competitiveness. The global pandemic has exposed EU’s vulnerabilities in the global supply chains. Europe must overcome its naivety regarding China and its geopolitical and economic priorities on the international scene and especially in the Indo-Pacific region. Today we need a strong political will, as well as coordinated European action instead of unilateral approaches by Member States. The EU needs an updated and all-encompassing China strategy: we must improve the resilience and competitiveness of our economy and industry, and better protect our knowledge base and technological leadership in sensitive high-tech areas. We therefore welcome President von der Leyen’s approach of de-risking, but not decoupling, through reviewing critical and sensitive parts of our political and economic relationship to defuse possible future conflicts. With our allies and partners, especially in the G7 framework, we must diversify and strengthen the resilience of our supply chains and reduce economic vulnerabilities through by concluding new free trade agreements with likeminded countries. We thus welcome the new Strategy on Economic Security. Our policy towards China is therefore clear: cooperate where possible, compete where needed and confront where necessary.”

--------------------------------------------------------- Spletni časopis je vsakomur dostopen zastonj. V nastajanje vsebin in profesionalno korektnost je vloženo veliko truda. Novinarsko delo stane. Podprite Spletni časopis z donacijo:
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------------------------------------------------------- Vsebine Spletnega časopisa je v letu 2019 deloma sofinanciralo ministrstvo za kulturo, ki je prispevalo 8396,78 evrov. Sofinanciranje je bilo dodeljeno tudi za leto 2020, a se mu je Spletni časopis odpovedal, ker je novinar in urednik portala Peter Jančič prevzel vodenje Siola in programa ne bi bilo mogoče izvesti.

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